So I logged back into BookLikes this morning and found that a lot of people have posted a second time, with the results of different search parameters, e.g., using their screen names instead of their RL first names or vice versa. Well, I googled "Glamour Shot" and "Themis-Athena" ... and guess what I got? The BL profile photos of those of you who mentioned my screen name in their own posts yesterday!!
Other than those, this is what my first row results consisted of:
And yes, the last one is actually a depiction of Themis (minus blindfold, which I assume would have screwed up the artistic effect), by Howard David Johnson.
ETA: Here are screen shots of this morning's search results, in addition to the images posted above:
(Somehow I love it that even some of the social icons used by BL members found their way in there ...)