Currently Reading

The Mirror and the Light
Hilary Mantel, Ben Miles
Progress: 4 %
Fortunes of War: The Balkan Trilogy
Rachel Cusk, Olivia Manning
The Inner Life of Cats: The Science and Secrets of Our Mysterious Feline Companions
Thomas McNamee, Bob Reed
The Inner Life of Cats: The Science and Secrets of Our Mysterious Feline Companions
Thomas McNamee
Merlin Trilogy
Mary Stewart
Progress: 612/928 pages
The Mirror and the Light
Hilary Mantel

Recently Added

Memoir and Poems of Phillis Wheatley, a Native African and a Slave - Phillis Wheatley, Melissa Summers
The Diaries of Adam and Eve - Walter Cronkite, Betty Buckley, Mandy Patinkin, Mark Twain
Quidditch Through the Ages - Full Cast, Andrew Lincoln, J.K. Rowling
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." ― Mae West

"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read." ― Mark Twain

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." ― Robert A. Heinlein

"Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else." ― Judy Garland
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The April Buddy Reads

All right, everyone, open thread for April buddy reads/readalongs/etc.


What I know so far:


April 1:


Mort - Terry Pratchett 


Discworld is reading the 4th Discworld book, Mort, which is also the first in the "Death" subseries. The buddy read starts on April 1, and continues through the end of April, so you can jump in any time!


April 1:


The Floating Admiral - G.K. Chesterton,G.D.H. Cole,Dorothy L. Sayers,Ronald Knox,Edgar Jepson,Freeman Wills Crofts,Victor L. Whitechurch,Detection Club,Anthony Berkeley,John Rhode,Clemence Dane,Henry Wade,Margaret Cole,Milward Kennedy,Agatha Christie,Helen Simpson 


BrokenTune, Lillelara and I are planning a buddy read of this collaborative novel by various authors of The Detection Club.


April 19:



The Agathytes are reading Crooked House


Other possibilities:


Chris' Fish Place, Tigus & I are discussing a Maigret-along, although we haven't identified a book or a date.


Themis & I are going to continue with reading Agatha's plays, planning on Murder on the Nile, although I don't recall if we set a date. Sometime in April is my recollection - Themis, did we actually pick a date?


There's also been a lot of talk about the RITAs and how authors of color aren't nominated/don't win in a way that suggests a hostility of romancelandia towards those authors. I have been interested in reading something by Beverly Jenkins for a while, and would love to buddy read with other readers. When I asked Ms. Bev which of her books she would recommend a new reader, she suggested Indigo, so I'd love to start with that one!


If you are hosting a buddy read that you want me to add to the post, put it in the comments. If you are interested in getting one going, put it in the comments and we'll see what develops!

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