So, summer reading is shaping up as rather busy this year:
First of all, there is Summer of Sherlock, for which my reading list is already as long as a whole year's worth of reading would have been for me once upon a time. I'll also be watching the two Rivals of Sherlock Holmes sets released a few years ago.
Then, there is Summer of Spies Redux, for which I have updated my Women of Intelligence reading list from last year and will also be reading one or more books by John le Carré; Ben Schott's Jeeves and the King of Clubs, and books #2 and possibly #3 of Len Deighton's Game, Set and Match: trilogy (Mexico Set and London Match).
In addition, I'll be continuing to work my way through my Around the World in 80 Books project, which will hopefully fuse nicely with both of the above, as well as, of course, with ...
Into which I'll hopefully also be able to fit the upcoming buddy reads of Ellen Wilkinson's Division Bell Mystery and Agatha Christie's Cards on the Table.