Cross-references to my other topical lists, as always, marked with the addition "cf."
* Peter Ackroyd: London: The Biography
(London through the ages, from Roman times to present day)
* Anna Quindlen: Imagined London: A Tour of the World's Greatest Fictional City
(London through the ages -- cf. list no. 7, "Literary and Cultural History")
* James Herriot: All Creatures Great and Small
(early 20th century rural Yorkshire; veterinary practice -- to be added retroactively to list no. 3, "First Hand Accounts")
* Ellis Peters: Strongholds and Sanctuaries: The Borderland of England and Wales
(Shropshire and Wales, chiefly in the Middle Ages)
* Rosemary Goring (ed.): Scotland: the Autobiography: 2,000 Years of Scottish History by Those Who Saw it Happen
(Scotland through the ages -- cf. lists no. 3 & 4, "First Hand Accounts" and "History of the British Isles")
* Ernest Hemingway: A Moveable Feast
(early 20th century Paris -- cf. list no. 3, "First Hand Accounts")
* Wolfgang Ribbe & Jürgen Schmädeke: Kleine Berlin-Geschichte
(Berlin from its 13th century foundation to the present day; to the best of my knowledge, unfortunately not translated. The title translates as "A Little History of Berlin")
* Doris & Arnold E. Maurer: Bonn erzählt: Streifzüge durch das literarische Bonn von 1780 - 1980
(Bonn, 1780-1980 -- cf. list no. 7, "Literary and Cultural History")
* Laurence Bergreen: Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe
(early 16th century; Portugal / Spain / global circumnavigation)
* Samuel Johnson: Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, and James Boswell: The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson LL.D.
(18th Century, Scotland -- cf. list no. 3, "First Hand Accounts")
* Miles Bredin: The Pale Abyssinian: A Life of James Bruce, African Explorer and Adventurer
(18th century; North-Eastern Africa, especially Ethiopia)
* Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Italian Journey
(late 18th century Germany and Italy -- also to be added retroactively to list no. 3, "First Hand Accounts")
* Alexandra David-Neel: Voyage d'une Parisienne à Lhassa (My Journey to Lhasa)
(Early 20th century, Tibet / Himalayas / exploration -- cf. lists no. 2 & 3, "Women's History" and "First Hand Accounts")