Note from TA: I'm reblogging the below post by Ostensibly A because I agree 100%. This is already an issue now, what with reviews and opinion pieces just part of everybody's feed, and it will become even more of one once we have consolidated book pages and we can all see the reviews posted for ALL editions of a given book.
A lot of the things we post here -- except perhaps for URLs and images snatched off the internet -- are really our own thoughts, feelings etc. ... and, incidentally, our own intellectuall property. I don't think anybody out here actually intends to steal that attribution away, but it easily gets lost nevertheless, particularly if it is reblogged multiple times. A reblog may be intended as a compliment to the original author, and designed to bring the post to the attention of as many others as possible -- and yes, if/when I reblog stuff myself, I usually do mean it that way as well (AND like most of us, I always try my best to trace the post back to its source, then add the words "reblogged from [original author]" to the title, as well as a link to the source at the bottom), but I'm doing it less and less even in that form for the reasons stated.
Incidentally: If anybody out there should feel I've already stepped on their toes with a reblog of any of their posts, I sincerely apologize ...
Perhaps as a stop-gap, until BookLikes does anything about this (as I think they should, e.g. by giving us the option to make a post automatically "unrebloggable", by clicking a little button to that effect or the like), we can agree to at least ask the original author if they agree with a reblog -- and then only reblog if they've affirmatively given their consent? And in the absence of express consent, or preferably even if a reblog has been authorized, do what Ostensibly A suggests; namely, only post a link to the original post, so as to make sure the related discussion is attached to that original post as well?
Ostensibly A's post:
Can we, as a community, agree not to reblog others' reviews?
I don't like this reblogging system at all, really, but unlike everything else that can be reblogged the reviews (and book status updates) are the worst to me. That's someone's personal feelings, opinions, and words on a book and I detest the idea of them being essentially taken and the attribution being lost. It also steals comments and likes that should rightfully go to the reviewer. It seriously bothers me. (I haven't posted a review yet that wasn't initially imported, but I've been seeing it a lot with other people's reviews.)
If not stopping reblogging the review period, can we at least only post a portion of the review and link back to the original review for people to see the rest? Or use the URL post? That way likes and comments are directed where they belong.
I really hope we see a change of this system and when we like someone's post other people who follow us will be able to see it instead of needing to reblog. But until then we should protect each other. Or, tell me straight, am I the only person this bothered by it?